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We're back.
Back from the mountains (but not the rockies), back from the kayaking, the hiking, the fishing, the eating, the thrifting and the loud talking (and sometimes yelling) that happens with family.
I miss my family but it felt like home to fly into Denver and drive our little car back up the mountains to Estes Park.

And it has been a whirlwind.
I've avoided blogging because I feel that I have so much to catch you up on.
But that's okay.
Ya'll will help me process.
Because I do need a lot of process time indeed.

I had a terrible dream last night that it was the first day of school in August. I was back in MO and had spent no time lesson planning this summer and preparing for the school year. I kept thinking "Where did July go?!"

When I awoke I was reminded how blessed and thankful I am to be spending this summer in the Colorado Rockies with my hubby, the Lord and a great community of believers.
I was reminded of how good Jesus is to me, that he allowed for this beautiful summer to happen.
I was also reminded of how much time I do still have left and how I want to soak up every moment of it.
Every sunny morning.
Every cup of coffee.
Every sunset beyond the mountains.
Every hike.
Every conversation.
And every minute I get to spend with Him, is precious.

So, join me as I catch you up with all that happened in the past few weeks. Look forward to mostly photos. :)

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