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b & a: redecorated dresser

Okay... so I procrastinated...
forgive me please because

Here's my redecorated dresser!

This dresser has lots of history.
It dates back to Chris' childhood. It sat in his bedroom at his Mom's as he grew up. We inherited it when we got married, and it quickly became our entertainment center for 2 years. 

Since August it has been sitting in our bedroom. At first I threatened to sell it. To my surprise Chris refused. Too much history for him to let go. After some talking we came to a compromise- we keep it if I have my way with it. And my way with it I have had!

I was waiting to post photographs until I had dresser knobs. Just imagine some creamy wooden knobs on there, which is what it will look like as soon as Chris can drill some thicker holes for me.

I especially love the extra touches with the dresser:

Kennedy and Lincoln: little trinkets from Chris' childhood box
thrifted lamp and lampshade         gifted frame (that needs a photo)
thrifted mirror for $15

I think that mirror needs a little cleaning...
don't you think?

btw: lindsay your kitchen island inspired me!

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

awww, that's so awesome!!! It looks great! I'm so happy I inspired you :)

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